Fan banned from Avalanche games for pouring friends ashes on the ice in tribute

Published June 24, 2022 at 10:40

Kyle Stark and Ryan Clark are diehard Colorado Avalanche fans, and unfortunately something unexpected happened. Kyle Stark died, and as described:

Kyle was an avid Avalanche fan, always cheering for his team, whether a successful season or not. His love for the game was deep. In his mind, a night at an Avalanche game with his buddy Ryan, was better than a weeks vacation.

So last year, Clark was asked by Stark's family to honor their son by taking their son's ashes to a game and spreading them on the ice. When asked by the usher what Clark was doing with the baggie, containing his friend's ashes, he spread the ashes on the ice, while the Zamboni drove by.

Ryan explained that's where Kyle would want to be.

As a result, Ryan Clark was banned from Ball Arena for the season, Clark said he has no hesitation about what he's done and he'd do it again to honor his friend.

Currently Ryan Clark is not banned from all events at Ball Arena, but his ban is Avalanche related for now.
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