Breaking News - Major resignation at Hockey Canada
Hockey Canada has been involved in multiple major scandals over the last year. Up until today Hockey Canada has been defiant for calls for resignations. HC went as far as claiming a resignation could cause the organization to suffer a hit to it's resignation.
Over the past 24 hours news leaked out that Hockey Canada was intending to file a lawsuit against the Canadian Government to try and block the access of certain financial documents.
Now it appears Hockey Canada has officially pivoted their decision. According to Rick Westhead, Andrea Skinner has elected to resign.
Have confirmed Hockey Canada's interim board chair Andrea Skinner has submitted her resignation.
Andrea Skinner statement:
«Upon reflection, it is clear to me from recent events that it no longer makes sense for me to continue to volunteer my time as Interim Chair or as a Director of the organization»
This marks a move in the right direction for the organization, but what happens next will be very important to see the future of the organization.
Previously on Bladeofsteel
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