Blues Schenn talks on experience regarding Reilly-Greig situation

Brett Thomas Wills
February 13, 2024  (3:05 PM)

Brayden Schenn guests on TheLeafsNation podcast
Photo credit: TheLeafsNation

After what happened Saturday night between Toronto and Ottawa, everyone in hockey circles has decided it would be in their best interest to give their take or at least have a discussion about the event and ultimately ask those closest to the game what they would do if they were in the same situation that Reilly and Greig were placed in.

St Louis Blues veteran Brayden Schenn was asked on the Leafs Morning Skate by former Maple Leafs tough guy Jay Rosehill what he would do and Brayden was very honest and candid in his response, have a look.
I know Mo too and he's a a standup guy and obviously with Luke playing with him last year said nothing but good things about him. I think he did the right thing, obviously he didn't mean to cross check him. I just think that when something like that happens, you go a little bit black and you're not trying to cross-check a guy in the head and obviously he ended up on the wrong side of that one. But I think the majority of the guys in the league would have done the same thing. Like I said, the cross-check just ended up in the guys side of his head, but I definitely think he did the right thing.

Understanding that some people believe that there is a code and others don't it can be said that in the heat of the moment when the game is being played, players are forced to tow the line and sometimes go over it. Also, sticking up for your team in situations such as what occurred during the game Saturday happens in different ways, multiple times throughout.
What is unfortunate in this writers opinion is that the National Hockey League and the National Hockey League Department of Player Safety has operated in a fashion historically that no two suspensions that look the same have been given to a player and they operate on a case by case basis. If the NHL and the DOPS agree that they want to make the game safer but still allow physicality to occur they must re-evaluate how they look at incidents and determine whether or not setting a precedence is important or they continue with their Mickey Mouse decisions.
13 FEVRIER   |   116 ANSWERS
Blues Schenn talks on experience regarding Reilly-Greig situation

Is Brayden Schenn right in his assessment of how things should be handled in the situation the occured between Greig/Reilly

Yes7463.8 %
No4236.2 %
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