Bruce Boudreau Reveals Bizarre Order He Received from Canucks' Organization on Star Defenceman

TJ Tucker
January 15, 2024  (8:31 PM)

Bruce Boudreau, former Vancouver Canucks Coach, and NHL analyst
Photo credit: @NHLNetwork on X

Former Vancouver Canucks coach Bruce Boudreau has revealed a very strange request he received from the within the Ocerganization regarding Quinn Hughes

Bruce Boudreau has dropped a bombshell live on the NHL Network about his time as head coach of the Vancouver Canucks. It deals with star defenceman and former 7th overall pick Quinn Hughes.
While discussing the Canucks' and Quinn Hughes' fantastic season so far, Boudreau said he was finally going to reveal a request he received from within the Canucks organization. Boudreau said someone wanted Hughes, who is very close to a point-per-game defenceman in his 325 games in the league, to be moved to centre. Besides his offensive abilities, Hughes finished last season at a plus-15, at his currently plus-32 for the 2023-24 season.
"I gotta say this for the first time on TV. I'm not going to say who, but somebody in the Vancouver organization tried to make me make Quinn Hughes a centre last year.

And I refused to do it. And I said I'm not making him a centre, I'm not making him a centre, and they kept trying to get me to put Quinn at centre, and I am so happy I didn't."

Boudreau added he's certain Hughes wouldn't have been happy about the move, and there's good reason for that.
"The year he's having, a Norris Trophy kind of year, boy, it's quite a difference from him playing centre on that team."

So, who within the Canucks' organization last season would have had the pull to give an order to Boudreau that he had to flatout refused to comply with? There's General Manager Patrik Allvin, and President of Hockey Operations Jim Rutherford who outranked him at the time. Both have been around hockey their entire lives in roles both on and off the ice, and an idea like this seems odd coming from one of them. There is also the current Chair/Owner of the Vancouver Canucks, Francesco Aquilini. It not really clear how involved he is in the day-to-day operations of the team. Either way, it would be tough to disagree with Boudreau's refusal to make the move.
15 JANVIER   |   226 ANSWERS
Bruce Boudreau Reveals Bizarre Order He Received from Canucks' Organization on Star Defenceman

What do you think of the idea for Quinn Hughes from within the Canucks

Terrible idea11651.3 %
Maybe it could work6629.2 %
I don't know4419.5 %
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