Breaking News - Canadian Government issues major punishment in sexual assault investigation
The Canadian Government has been working hard to investigate Hockey Canada's involvement in the cover up of a 2018 Sexual Assault. The incident occured at a party celebrating Team Canada's Gold Medal win. In a now settled lawsuit it was claimed that 8 members of Team Canada were involved in a sexual assault.
During the investigation it was uncovered that Hockey Canada agreed to pay a multi-million dollar settlement without the players involved being investigated. It was also uncovered that Hockey Canada receives multiple sexual assault claims each year.
Hockey Canada runs on both private funds and government funding. HC announced that the settlement was paid without using any Government funds.
Today the Canadian Government announced that they had decided to freeze all Hockey Canada funding. Rick Westhead provided the following information.
Must read on Bladeofsteel
The Canadian government is freezing Hockey Canada's millions of dollars in federal funding until the organization signs up with a new federal agency that has the power to independently receive and investigate abuse complaints and issue sanctions for inappropriate behaviour, Minister of Sport Pascale St-Onge said in an interview on Wednesday.
This punishment means that Hockey Canada will not receive $2,200,000 in funds that they'd requested as part of a COVID recovery plan.
Previously on Bladeofsteel
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