Arizona Coyotes owner caught in another lie as the Coyotes time to find new home keeps ticking down

Josh tupper
February 22, 2024  (11:09)

Alex Meruelo stands at the podium
Photo credit: NHL

It's almost like the current ownership of the Arizona Coyotes can't go more than a week without something negative being revealed. At the NHL All-Star game news began to stir that the coyotes were still without a permanent home. Additional stories revealed, that the team was interested in a plot of land but had yet to secure it.

During the off season, the NHL made it clear that at some point there would be a drop dead date that they needed to know about the team's future. That deadline now looms and it appears there's still no information. At the All-Star Game, Gary Bettman stated that he believed that coyotes ownership would keep to their word, this despite not having done so in the past.
Bettman had previously shared this quote about his belief in the team's ownership:
Alex Meruelo told me he was certain he will get this done I am hopeful and reasonably confident he's gonna do what he says.

Now it appears once again the Coyotes are back in the Press for all the wrong reasons. A couple of weeks ago Coyotes owner, Alex Meruelo, made it clear he intended to address his staff on the status of the team.
According to NHL Insider Elliotte Friedman that has not happened though.
A couple of weeks ago, Coyotes owner Alex Meruelo said he'd address his staff about the future. It hasn't happened yet.

As time continues to tick down for the Coyotes, their ownership continues to fumble the situation. It truly appears that the time in the desert is running out or at the very least the time for this ownership group has long passed.
It's time for the NHL to make what should have been an easy decision all along and move on from this failing market. If an opportunity presents itself in the future to return the league could consider it. But this current rendition of the team has left a black eye on the organization and the NHL.
22 FEVRIER   |   240 ANSWERS
Arizona Coyotes owner caught in another lie as the Coyotes time to find new home keeps ticking down

Should the Arizona Coyotes relocate?

Yes, move the team20384.6 %
No, but get new owners208.3 %
No, let them work it out177.1 %
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