With the sale nearly complete, reports have surfaced that Bauer Hockey and True Hockey will begin to explore the option of a sale within the next few months. With the news today and the pending sale of the other two, it is likely consumers, and the like will see an increase in skates and equipment.
With the idea that equipment and skate manufacturers may increase prices and the enrollment in hockey being reported to be at an all-time low in Canada, what will that mean for the sport moving forward, especially at the grassroots and minor hockey levels?
Hockey has slowly become a game that only the privileged can afford, however, there is always the option to purchase some used equipment, especially if you're just starting or playing the game for fun.
In the last few years, everyone has experienced hardships, and the hockey community is no different, instead of a game or pastime it's become a business and corporate greed is to blame for its current misgivings.