NHL reaches decision on Brad Marchand's shoving a linesman.

Josh tupper
May 3, 2024  (5:25 PM)

Brad Marchand pushed linesman
Photo credit: NHL

In the first period of last night's game against the Toronto Maple Leafs, Boston Bruins Captain Brad Marchand let his temper get the best of him. In the first, while trying to make a line change Marchand ran into the linesman in front of the Bruins bench. Instead of going around him or going over the boards Marchand instead shoves the linesman.

Somehow on the play, the officials on the ice chose not to penalize Marchand despite the clear violation of rule 40.1. instead, the game went on and the Maple Leafs eventually won 2-1, sending the series back to Boston for a game. 7.
40.1 Game Misconduct – Any player who deliberately applies physical force in any manner against an official, in any manner attempts to injure an official, physically demeans, or deliberately applies physical force to an official solely for the purpose of getting free of such an official during or immediately following an altercation shall receive a game misconduct penalty.

Many fans expected Marchand to receive some form of supplemental discipline on the play. This incident occurred immediately after the lines been separated Marchand from Maple Leafs forward Tyler Bertuzzi. Doesn't clear violation of NHL rule 40.4.
I40.4 Automatic Suspension – Category III – Any player who, by his actions, physically demeans an official or physically threatens an official by (but not limited to) throwing a stick or any other piece of equipment or object at or in the general direction of an official, shooting the puck at or in the general direction of an official, spitting at or in the general direction of an official, or who deliberately applies physical force to an official solely for the purpose of getting free of such an official during or immediately following an altercation shall be suspended for not less than three (3) games.

Now it appears the NHL has reached their decision on the incident.
It's officially after 5 pm and it's clear the NHL won't be issuing any supplemental discipline for his shove on the linesman. This is a clear violation of rule 40.1, but the league has decided to ignore it.

It is very interesting to see a league who usually protects their officials do nothing. This season alone the league has fined multiple players and coaches for outbursts, but to allow a player of Marchand's history away with this action feels like a miss by the league.
3 MAI   |   4621 ANSWERS
NHL reaches decision on Brad Marchand's shoving a linesman.

Should Brad Marchand have been suspended for this push on the linesman?

Yes, he deserved to be suspended359877.9 %
No, the league got it right68514.8 %
He doesn't deserve it, but the rule is clear3387.3 %
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