"In the aftermath of the Matt Cooke incident, where Matt Cooke basically ended Marc Savard's career, the next time they played at the Garden, Marc Recchi, Zdeno Chara and Shawn Thornton met with Bill Guerin underneath the stands and they said to Bill Guerin to go in the room and you tell Matt Cooke, 'he fights Shawn Thornton on the first shift or this game is going to get ugly quick and we're going to be all over the SportsCenter highlights for all the wrong reasons'. Bill Guerin, to his credit, said 'you're right' and went into the room, he said to Matt Cooke, 'first shift, you gotta fight Shawn Thornton.'" Arnold said.
He went on to add, "It had been handled by men, like men, in a way that the people that made a living that way could respect, could honour and it was over, it was done. Didn't mean they liked Matt Cooke after that. It didn't mean that they liked what he did to Marc Savard anymore. It just meant 'okay, we handled it, it's over.'"