Major updates on the contract of Mitchell Miller with the Boston Bruins

Josh tupper
June 19, 2023  (10:38)

Mitchell Miller was initially drafted in the 4th round of the 2020 NHL Entry Draft, by the Arizona Coyotes. Less than a week after being drafted, information surfaced about some inappropriate conduct committed by Miller during his high school day. The disgusting behavior led to a public outcry that ultimately led to the Coyotes denouncing the draft pick making Miller a free agent.

Despite the outcry, the USHL's Tri-City Storm stood by Miller and continued to offer him support and mentorship. After a very successful season, the Boston Bruins signed Miller to an NHL contract. In the Bruins opinion they were simply offering to give a young man a second chance at his NHL dream. Once again though the public outcry was too much and eventually led to the Bruins announcing they were releasing Miller.
Team President Cam Neely shared the following on November 6th:
"Today the Boston Bruins have decided to part ways with Mitchell Miller, effective immediately," team president Cam Neely said in a statement. "The decision to sign this young man was made after careful consideration of the facts as we were aware of them: that at 14 years old he made a poor decision that led to a juvenile conviction. We understood this to be an isolated incident and that he had taken meaningful action to reform and was committed to ongoing personal development. Based on that understanding we offered him a contract."

"Based on new information, we believe it is the best decision at this time to rescind the opportunity for Mitchell Miller to represent the Boston Bruins. We hope that he continues to work with professionals and programs to further his education and personal growth".

Terminating Miller's contract however isn't as black and white as some might think. After being signed by the Bruins, Miller's contract was registered by the NHL. This made Miller's deal 100% official, meaning that the Bruins MUST go through the official process to terminate the deal. Meaning, once the buyout window opened the Bruins would be required to place Miller on unconditional waivers to terminate his deal.
On Friday June 16th the official NHL buyout window opened, meaning the Bruins could process Miller's buyout. However, it appears that the team is in no rush to complete the buyout. A buyout of Miller would cost the Bruins $215,834 over each of the next two seasons.
The Bruins find themselves in a very difficult cap situation and terminating his deal could put the Bruins in a very tough situation as one fan pointed out.
It will be interesting to see if the Bruins follow through with their termination of the deal, or if they intend on keeping Miller under contract. Either way, for right now Mitchell Miller still remains an NHL player under an NHL contract.
19 JUIN   |   486 ANSWERS
Major updates on the contract of Mitchell Miller with the Boston Bruins

Should the Bruins terminate Miller's contract?

Yes, he doesn't deserve to be in the NHL11623.9 %
No, he deserves a second chance28959.5 %
See results8116.7 %
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