Maple Leafs to make decision on two important UFA's

Brett Thomas Wills
May 8, 2024  (1:15 PM)

Max Domi and Tyler Bertuzzi celebrate a goal
Photo credit: NHL

The Toronto Maple Leafs season ended abruptly Saturday night, and although many were not surprised, a sizable amount of people are on the train of thinking that it was an abject failure. But now that the final horn has sounded, the real work begins.

The hardest part for the Maple Leafs during the summer, aside from deciding whether or not Sheldon Keefe and co. will be back, is determining whether or not certain members who poured their blood, sweat, and tears into the eighty-two-game season will either want to be back or will even be offered the opportunity to resign. However, according to Sportsnet's Elliot Friedman, their is a strong possibility and interest in at least two individuals to be in the Blue and White come puck drop on the 2024–2025 regular season. Have a look:
Tyler Bertuzzi added a piece to the Maple Leafs roster that had been lacking previously, at least since Michael Bunting left via free agency, but by most accounts, it was an upgrade. The sense last summer was that Bertuzzi and the Maple Leafs wanted to sign a longer-term deal last summer but decided on a one-year deal to make the numbers work for both parties and to see how the season panned out. By all accounts, Bertuzzi enjoyed his time as a Maple Leaf and provided what was needed when necessary. It remains to be seen; however, don't be surprised if a mutual agreement on a long-term contract is decided on at or before the free agency window begins.
Max Domi also came to the Maple Leafs on a one-year deal and performed as expected. Much like Bertuzzi, Domi added that element that seemed to be lacking for quite some time. He offered some protection to the likes of Marner, Matthews, and Nylander and provided an extra spark most nights where previously the team seemed flat. While Domi wants to be back, it would likely come down to contract negotiations and whether or not, much like Bertuzzi and his camp, the two can agree on something that works for the team and Domi himself.
Every summer, it seems like it's branded as the most important summer for the Maple Leafs, and it is cliche, but this summer is by far the most important summer for the franchise in recent memory. While wholesale changes are a must, their is only so much that Brad Treliving can work with and do to make this team better than they were this past season, and although many milestones were reached, none of that matters if they get to the playoffs and fizzle out like a flat soda.
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Maple Leafs to make decision on two important UFA's

Who should the Maple Leafs resign?

Tyler Bertuzzi479 %
Max Domi8516.3 %
Both27753.3 %
Neither11121.3 %
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