Kenneth Mitchell, originally from Toronto, Ontario, played the role of Ralph Cox in "Miracle," the movie made about the 1980 US Olympic hockey team that defied all odds to win the gold medal after beating the heavily-favoured team from the Soviet Union to make it to the final. Cox, who was drafted by the Boston Bruins in 1977, never played in the NHL, instead spending a good chunk of his pro career in Europe. Cox was cut from the US hockey team just before the Olympics began due to a lingering ankle injury. While he never played in the National Hockey League, Cox received two Stanley Cup rings while working for the Pittsburgh Penguins as a scout (1991, 1992), and had his name engraved on the Stanley Cup once (1992).
Mitchell continued acting for years after initially being diagnosed with ALS in 2019. He has appeared in popular movies and TV shows such as Captain Marvel, Jericho, Star Trek: Discovery, NCIS, CSI, and several others. Our sincere condolences to family, friends, and fans of Kenneth Mitchell.