
Pat Maroon responds to being body shamed by Bruin's announcer in the best way possible, makes a donation to charity

Published November 30, 2022 at 2:07 PM

During last night's game between the Boston Bruins and Tampa Bay Lightning, Bruins' announcer Jack Edwards made what many are calling an insensitive comment about his weight. The video below contains the comment made by Edwards.

I got a feeling he's had a few more pizzas between then and now.

While others simply laughed off the comment there has also been some significant outrage about Edward's comments. Now Pat Maroon has taken to his Twitter account to address the matter in the best way possible.

In support of those struggling with mental health, bullying and body image I am making a 2,000 donation in the name of @realjackedwards to @TampaBayThrives and I encourage @TBLightning and @NHL fans to join me. Donate here: Tampabaylightning.com/donate

While this comment didn't impact Maroon directly it's nice to see he's taken this opportunity to make a great impact with his platform and donated to a good cause.
November 30   |   607 answers
Pat Maroon responds to being body shamed by Bruin's announcer in the best way possible, makes a donation to charity

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