Wild fight shows why box lacrosse is great

Published July 8, 2023 at 4:08 PM

With hockey changing and evolving, there's one hill I will always die on, fighting belongs in the sport and always will. While hockey fights are as entertaining as they are needed in the sport, nothing will ever beat two players standing toe to toe in a box lacrosse fight.

Like hockey, lacrosse is a physical, fast paced sport that uses fighting as a form of keeping players that step over the line honest, between that and the fact that it's basically a bare knuckle brawl, what's not to like? Take a look at these two plays absolutely throwing bombs.

Once again, lacrosse fights are ELECTRIC

The clip starts with two players squaring up behind the net before absolutely unloading on each other with haymakers. The player in the white then lands a couple of direct shots before putting his opponent in blue down for the count.

If the energy from that fight doesn't make you want to run through a wall, I don't know what will.

The way I look at fighting in any contact sport is this; seldom do you see guys on a team whose soul purpose is to fight anymore. Staged fighting is pretty much gone. However, in a contact sport, you know the risks, hell, In most cases you sign waivers knowing what might happen, that doesn't always mean you go out looking to fight every game, it means, you know something could happen that makes fighting necessary and most people that sign up for hockey or lacrosse know and except that as fact
July 8   |   171 answers
Wild fight shows why box lacrosse is great

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